8. Advanced spatial R and mapmaking: I

From 1,000 point-clicks to 1 script…

Learning objectives


The ability to work in one place or with one program from start to finish is powerful and more efficient than splitting your workflow across multiple tools. By sticking with one single framework or set of tools, we can reduce the mental workload necessary when switch between programs, staying organized in each, and dealing with import/export across multiple programs. Although different tools such as ESRI (or ArcPy extensions) are powerful, they require a paid license and typically use point-click user interfaces.

The advantage R has over these tools is that it is freely available, easily integrates with vast statistical/modeling toolboxes, has access to many spatial analysis and mapmaking tools, and allows us to work in a single place.

If we use a functional programming approach (described in the iteration module ) for spatial problems, R can be a very robust and powerful tool for analysis and spatial visualization of data! Furthermore, once analyses have been completed, we can re-use the scripts and functions for common spatial tasks (like making maps or exporting specific spatial files).

Common Geospatial Tasks

Common tasks in a GUI-based approach will always require the same number of point and clicks. With a script-based approach, it’s much easier to recycle previously written code, or to just change a variable and re-run the code. This efficiency is magnified immensely when it can be automated or iterated over the same task through time, or multiple data sets.

For example, some common tasks may include:

Script-based analyses with {sf}

The {sf} package truly makes working with vector-based spatial data easy. We can use a pipeline that includes:

There are many more options that can be added or subtracted from these pieces, but at the core, we can use this very functional approach to provide data, make maps, conduct analysis, and so much more.

A Groundwater/Surfacewater Hydrology Example

Let’s use an example where we read in some groundwater station data, spatially find the closest surface water stations, download some river data, and visualize!

The Packages

First we’ll need a few packages we’ve not used yet. Please install these with install.packages() if you don’t have them.

library(tidyverse) # data wrangling & viz
library(purrr) # iteration
library(janitor) # name cleaning
library(glue) # pasting stuff together

library(sf) # analysis tools
library(mapview)  # interactive maps!
mapviewOptions(fgb = FALSE) # to save interactive maps

library(tigris) # county & state boundaries
library(units) # for convert spatial and other units
library(dataRetrieval) # download USGS river data
library(tmap) # mapping
library(tmaptools) # mapping tools

Importing Spatial Data

We’ll leverage the ability to pull in many different data and stitch them all together through joins (spatial or common attributes). Each data component may be comprised of one or more “layers”, which ultimately we can use on a map.

Get State & County Data

First we need state and county boundaries. The {tigris} package is excellent for this.

# get {sf} CA boundary
ca <- states(cb=TRUE, progress_bar = FALSE) %>% 
  dplyr::filter(STUSPS == "CA")

# get counties for CA as {sf}
ca_co <- counties("CA", cb = TRUE, progress_bar = FALSE)

Let’s also pull in a shapefile that’s just Sacramento County. We’ll use this to crop/trim things down as we move forward. Note, we’ll need to check the coordinate reference system and projection here, and make sure we are matching our spatial data.

# get just sacramento: here we read in a shapefile:
sac_co <- st_read("data/shp/sac/sac_county.shp")
Reading layer `sac_county' from data source 
  using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
Simple feature collection with 1 feature and 9 fields
Geometry type: POLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -13565710 ymin: 4582007 xmax: -13472670 ymax: 4683976
Projected CRS: WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator
# check CRS
[1] 3857
# match with other data
sac_co <- st_transform(sac_co, st_crs(ca_co))
st_crs(sac_co) == st_crs(ca_co) # should be TRUE!
[1] TRUE
# make a box around sacramento county
# (a grid with an n=1) for inset
sac_box <- st_make_grid(sac_co, n = 1)

And let’s quickly visualize these pieces! We’ll use the base plot() functions here.

# make sure we have all the pieces with a quick test plot
plot(ca$geometry, col = alpha("gray", 0.5), border = "black", lwd=2)
plot(ca_co$geometry, add = T, border = "purple", col = NA)
plot(sac_co$geometry, add = T, border = "cyan4", col = "skyblue",alpha=0.4, lwd = 2)
plot(sac_box, add = T, border = "orange", col = NA, lwd = 1.4)

Iterate: Get Groundwater Stations

Let’s practice our iteration skills. We’ll read in groundwater stations for 3 counties (El Dorado, Placer, and Sacramento), convert to {sf} objects, plot them, and then crop/select a subset of stations using spatial intersection.

Iteration…remember {purrr}? Let’s use it here!

# read the stations
gw_files <- list.files(path = "data/gwl/county",
                       full.names = TRUE, pattern = "*.csv")

# read all files into dataframes and combine with purrr
gw_df <- map_df(gw_files, ~read.csv(.x))

# the readr package will also do this same thing by default
# when passed a list of files with the same data types
gw_df <- read_csv(gw_files)

# now make "spatial" as sf objects
gw_df <- st_as_sf(gw_df, coords=c("LONGITUDE","LATITUDE"), 
                  crs=4326, remove=FALSE) %>% 
  # and transform!
  st_transform(., st_crs(ca_co))

# preview!
mapview(gw_df, zcol="COUNTY_NAME", layer.name="GW Stations") +
  mapview(sac_co, legend=FALSE)
GW Stations
El Dorado
30 km
20 mi
Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors © CARTO

Hmmm…looks like there are some stations up near Lake Tahoe, and then all the stations that are outside of the Sacramento County boundary. Let’s move on to do some cleaning/cropping/joining.

Filter, Select, & Spatial Joins

One of the more common spatial operations is filtering or clipping data based on a condition or another spatial layer.

Often to complete a geospatial operation, we need to use a projected coordinate reference system

A discussion on coordinate reference systems is a complex topic in and of itself, and for the purposes of this module, we summarize it as follows: A geographic CRS is round and based on angular units of degrees (lat/lng), whereas a projected CRS is flat and has linear units (meters or feet). Many functions in {sf} that make calculations on data expect a projected CRS, and can return inaccurate results if an object in a geographic CRS is used. This is a fascinating topic with lots written about it! For more reading see this Esri blog, the Data Carpentry geospatial lesson, and the online Geocomputation with R book.
1 (not latitude/longitude), so we can specify things in units that are easier to understand (kilometers or miles) instead of arc degrees, and so that the calculations take place correctly. Note, here we have transformed our data to match up.


We could certainly leverage the data.frame aspect of {sf} and quickly filter down to the stations of interest using the COUNTY_NAME field.

You Try!

Use filter() to filter our gw_df dataframe to only stations that occur in Sacramento County. Then make a mapview() map and make the color of the dots correspond with the different WELL_USE categories. How many stations are there in each WELL_USE category?

Click for Answers!
gw_sac <- gw_df %>% 
  filter(COUNTY_NAME == "Sacramento")


   Industrial    Irrigation   Observation         Other   Residential 
            2           144            90           101            76 
Stockwatering       Unknown 
            6            67 
mapview(gw_sac, zcol="WELL_USE", layer.name="Well Use")
Well Use
20 km
10 mi
Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors © CARTO

Spatial Crop

Great! But what if we don’t have the exact column we want, or any column at all? We may only have spatial data, and we want to trim/crop by other spatial data. Time for spatial operations.

First, we can use base [] to crop our data. Here we take the dataset we want to crop or clip (gw_sac) and crop by the Sacramento county polygon (sac_co). This is a type of spatial join, but note, we retain the same number of columns in the data.

# spatial crop: 
# # does not bring attributes from polygons forward
gw_sac_join1 <- gw_df[sac_co,]

plot(sac_co$geometry, col = alpha("forestgreen", 0.6))
plot(gw_sac_join1$geometry, bg = alpha("orange", 0.3), pch=21, add = TRUE)
title("GW Stations (orange) \nthat occur in Sacramento County")

Spatial Join

We can also use st_join() directly to filter for points that fall within a supplied polygon(s). In our case, we want groundwater stations (points) that fall within our selected counties (polygons).

gw_sac_join2 <- st_join(gw_df, sac_co, left = FALSE)

mapview(gw_sac_join2, col.region="orange", legend=FALSE) +
  mapview(sac_co, alpha = 0.5, legend = FALSE)
20 km
10 mi
Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors © CARTO

Note, what’s different between gw_df and gw_sac_join1?

We can also use an anti_join (the !) to find the stations that weren’t contained in our focal area. These operations can be helpful when exploring and understanding a dataset, to identify gaps, highlight specific areas, etc. st_intersects returns a vector of items based on whether the two spatial objects intersect (which can be defined differently using a multitude of spatial functions, see the sf help page).

# anti_join: find stations that aren't contained in Sacramento County
gw_sac_anti <- gw_df[!lengths(st_intersects(gw_df, sac_co)), ]

# plot
        col.regions="maroon", cex=3, 
        layer.name="Anti-Join Sites") + 
  mapview(sac_co, alpha.regions=0, 
          color="black", lwd=3, legend=FALSE)
Anti-Join Sites
30 km
20 mi
Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors © CARTO

Writing Spatial Data Out

We may want to save these data and send to colleagues before we proceed with further analysis. As we’ve shown before

See the iteration module for an example of iterating over a write function.
2 , functional programming allows us to split data and write it out for future use, or to share and distribute. Here we use a fairly simple example, but the concept can be expanded.

Let’s use the {purrr} package to iterate over a lists and write each layer to a geopackage (a self contained spatial database). Geopackages are a great way to save vector-based spatial data, they can be read by ArcGIS and spatial software, and they are compact and self-contained (unlike shapefiles).


# first split our gw_df data by county:
gw_df_split <- gw_df %>% 
  split(.$COUNTY_NAME) %>% # split by cnty name 
  set_names(., make_clean_names(names(.))) # make a file friendly name

# now apply function to write out points by county
map2(gw_df_split, # list of points by county
     names(gw_df_split), # list of names for layers
               dsn = "data/county_gw_pts.gpkg",
               layer = glue("{.y}_gw_pts"), 
               delete_layer=TRUE, # to remove layer if it exists
               quiet = TRUE) # suppress messages
Simple feature collection with 45 features and 14 fields
Geometry type: POINT
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -120.07 ymin: 38.8017 xmax: -119.944 ymax: 38.9592
Geodetic CRS:  NAD83
# A tibble: 45 × 15
    <dbl> <chr>          <chr> <chr>        <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>     
 1  10713 388017N120018… 11N1… <NA>          38.8     -120. Unknown   
 2  47508 388030N120015… <NA>  EX-1          38.8     -120. Surveyed …
 3  47519 388224N120021… 11N1… SUT No.1      38.8     -120. Surveyed …
 4  47510 388395N120024… <NA>  Henderso…     38.8     -120. Surveyed …
 5  47504 388544N120019… <NA>  DW-1          38.9     -120. Surveyed …
 6  47512 388545N120019… <NA>  IW-1          38.9     -120. Surveyed …
 7  47520 388545N120019… <NA>  SW-1          38.9     -120. Surveyed …
 8  47499 388552N120017… <NA>  Apache OW     38.9     -120. Surveyed …
 9  15199 388562N120014… 12N1… <NA>          38.9     -120. Unknown   
10  47506 388582N120021… <NA>  ESB-2         38.9     -120. Surveyed …
# … with 35 more rows, and 8 more variables: WLM_ACC <chr>,
#   BASIN_CODE <chr>, BASIN_NAME <chr>, COUNTY_NAME <chr>,
#   WELL_DEPTH <dbl>, WELL_USE <chr>, WELL_TYPE <chr>,
#   geometry <POINT [°]>

Simple feature collection with 184 features and 14 fields
Geometry type: POINT
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -121.614 ymin: 38.7005 xmax: -120.112 ymax: 39.3079
Geodetic CRS:  NAD83
# A tibble: 184 × 15
    <dbl> <chr>          <chr> <chr>        <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>     
 1  48577 381626N121365… <NA>  SVMW Eas…     38.8     -121. Surveyed …
 2  55217 387005N121614… <NA>  Elkhorn …     38.7     -122. Unknown   
 3  55218 387005N121614… <NA>  Elkhorn …     38.7     -122. Unknown   
 4  33091 387216N121247… 10N0… 10N07E18…     38.7     -121. Unknown   
 5  52475 387222N121292… <NA>  Whyte A       38.7     -121. GPS       
 6  52476 387222N121292… <NA>  Whyte B       38.7     -121. GPS       
 7  13664 387269N121276… 10N0… <NA>          38.7     -121. Unknown   
 8  13665 387285N121339… 10N0… <NA>          38.7     -121. Unknown   
 9  13670 387290N121251… 10N0… <NA>          38.7     -121. Unknown   
10  51280 387331N121361… <NA>  WPMW-5A       38.7     -121. Surveyed …
# … with 174 more rows, and 8 more variables: WLM_ACC <chr>,
#   BASIN_CODE <chr>, BASIN_NAME <chr>, COUNTY_NAME <chr>,
#   WELL_DEPTH <dbl>, WELL_USE <chr>, WELL_TYPE <chr>,
#   geometry <POINT [°]>

Simple feature collection with 494 features and 14 fields
Geometry type: POINT
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -121.695 ymin: 38.1023 xmax: -121.043 ymax: 38.7311
Geodetic CRS:  NAD83
# A tibble: 494 × 15
    <dbl> <chr>          <chr> <chr>        <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>     
 1  49420 380926N121587… 03N0… 03N03E12…     38.1     -122. GPS       
 2  49421 380926N121587… 03N0… 03N03E12…     38.1     -122. GPS       
 3  49419 381023N121569… 03N0… 03N03E12…     38.1     -122. GPS       
 4  49425 381123N121510… 03N0… 03N04E16…     38.1     -122. GPS       
 5  49426 381123N121510… 03N0… 03N04E16…     38.1     -122. GPS       
 6  50577 381132N121695… 03N0… COSAC3        38.1     -122. Digital E…
 7  49423 381170N121524… 03N0… 03N04E17…     38.1     -122. GPS       
 8  49433 381200N121492… 03N0… 03N04E13…     38.1     -121. GPS       
 9  49428 381222N121499… 03N0… 03N04E11…     38.1     -122. GPS       
10  49416 381301N121564… 03N0… 03N04E02…     38.1     -122. GPS       
# … with 484 more rows, and 8 more variables: WLM_ACC <chr>,
#   BASIN_CODE <chr>, BASIN_NAME <chr>, COUNTY_NAME <chr>,
#   WELL_DEPTH <dbl>, WELL_USE <chr>, WELL_TYPE <chr>,
#   geometry <POINT [°]>

To make sure this worked as intended, we can check what layers exist in the geopackage with the st_layers function.

# check layers in the gpkg file
Driver: GPKG 
Available layers:
         layer_name geometry_type features fields
1  el_dorado_gw_pts         Point       45     14
2     placer_gw_pts         Point      184     14
3 sacramento_gw_pts         Point      494     14

Additional Resources

We’ve covered a handful of packages and functions in this module, but many more exist that solve just about every spatial workflow task. All spatial and mapmaking operations are typically a websearch away, but we also recommend the following resources to dig deeper into the R spatial universe.

Previous module:
7. Paramaterized reports


  1. A discussion on coordinate reference systems is a complex topic in and of itself, and for the purposes of this module, we summarize it as follows: A geographic CRS is round and based on angular units of degrees (lat/lng), whereas a projected CRS is flat and has linear units (meters or feet). Many functions in {sf} that make calculations on data expect a projected CRS, and can return inaccurate results if an object in a geographic CRS is used. This is a fascinating topic with lots written about it! For more reading see this Esri blog, the Data Carpentry geospatial lesson, and the online Geocomputation with R book.[↩]
  2. See the iteration module for an example of iterating over a write function.[↩]


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Text and figures are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0. Source code is available at https://github.com/r4wrds/r4wrds, unless otherwise noted. The figures that have been reused from other sources don't fall under this license and can be recognized by a note in their caption: "Figure from ...".