How to create interactive dashboards with R
Learning objectives
According to the Mastering Shiny book:
Shiny is a framework for creating web applications using
code. It is designed primarily with data scientists in mind, and to that end, you can create pretty complicated Shiny apps with no knowledge of HTML, CSS, or JavaScript.
Because they extend R
-based analyses, interactive Shiny
Apps have as many diverse niches and uses as the the R
community itself, and it’s likely that you have come across a Shiny App
in the wild before.
Shiny Apps are highly customizable, and allow R
users to
wrap existing code and data with an additional layer of interactivity
using R
code from the {shiny}
package to
better visualize, analyze, export, and more. This allows any user (even
users!) to interact with the data, providing a
powerful way of exploring and understanding the data within the Shiny
Now that we know what a Shiny App is, a fundamental question that we need to answer is “when and why should I build a Shiny App?” Generally, you should create a Shiny App when you want to make results and/or data available to others, or when the dataset is complex enough to warrant a Shiny App to ease exploration. To provide a specific example, let’s examine a case study.
Imagine you’re analyzing groundwater levels across California
# read groundwater level data pre-filtered to Sacramento county
gwl <- read_csv("data/gwl/gwl_sac.csv") %>%
st_as_sf(coords = c("LONGITUDE","LATITUDE"), crs = 4269)
# read sacramento county shapefile and reproject
sac <- st_read("data/shp/sac/sac_county.shp", quiet=TRUE) %>%
# plot the groundwater levels at each monitoring site
gwl %>%
ggplot() +
geom_line(aes(MSMT_DATE, WSE, group = SITE_CODE), alpha = 0.5)
# slice the first station per group of groundwater level observations
# (see comment aside)
gwl_min <- gwl %>%
group_by(SITE_CODE) %>%
slice(1) %>%
# visualize sites on a map
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = sac) +
geom_sf(data = gwl_min, alpha = 0.5, color = "blue") +
During the analysis, you realize you want to easily look at data by monitoring site, so you make a function that streamlines this.
# function that takes a site code and generates a plot
f_make_hydrograph <- function(data, site_code){
p <- data %>%
filter(SITE_CODE == site_code) %>%
ggplot(aes(MSMT_DATE, WSE)) +
geom_line(alpha = 0.5) +
geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = FALSE) +
labs(title = glue::glue("Groundwater level (ft AMSL) at: {site_code}"))
# make a hydrograph for the first SITE_CODE
f_make_hydrograph(gwl, gwl$SITE_CODE[1])
Your supervisor requests figures from certain stations, and you find yourself re-running this function to generate them. You also have teammates that require subsets of these data per monitoring site, with specific columns in the output. You add a function that writes data to csv files to handle this task, but realize that this project is ongoing, and people will keep coming to you with requests for alternate combinations of plots or data. Also, the groundwater level data is sufficiently large and complex that you want to be able to view them all in one place.
One solution to automate the “data visualization exploration” and “data sharing” processes is to create a Shiny App.
In the sections that follow, we will create a Shiny App that allows users to easily select and visualize groundwater data at different monitoring stations, and export data for a selected site.
At the bare minimum, a Shiny App is an .R
file or set of
files with three components: a ui
and runApp()
. The runApp()
function takes the ui
and the server
and runs the Shiny web application.
By design, Shiny Apps separate front and back end
components of the web application. The ui
stands for “user
interface” and defines front-facing components that the user sees and
interacts with, like plots, tables, sliders, buttons, and so on. The
holds the back-end logic that accepts input from the
user, and uses these inputs to define what data transformations should
occur and what is passed back to the frontend for the user to view and
interact with.
In order to demonstrate a simple Shiny App, we will use a single file
called app.R
defines a ui
. Afterward, we will also discuss approaches to
modularize an app into separate files - this may be necessary if an app
becomes sufficiently complex.
The most simple way to create an app within RStudio is to click File > New File > Shiny Web App….
By default, RStudio will create a new folder with a name you provide
in your project directorY. Enter gwl_shiny
as the
“Application name” and click Create.
You should now have a folder called gwl_shiny
in the
project directory, which you can verify in the File Viewer Pane. Inside
that folder should be a single file, app.R
A default Shiny App is contained in this file. We can run all of the code to view the app on our local machine, or click the Run App icon in the top right corner of the code editor.
Scroll through app.R
and notice that there is a
object, a server
object which is a function
of input
and output
, and a
function which takes the ui
objects as input.
(frontend)The ui
defines what the user sees when they interact
with the Shiny App. Generally speaking, the ui
Consider the following example App, which demonstrates a few of the
control widgetui
to the backend
. Different widgets allow different types of
information to pass between the ui
and server
Notice that the first argument to each control widget is the unique ID
or name of that widget. IDs must be unique, and are accessed in the
server in a named list called input
. For example, the
has the unique ID
and the user-input value to this widget can be
accessed from within the server with input$i_slider
ui <- fluidPage(
# sidebar with generic example inputs
"i_slider", # control widget ID
"Slider Input", # label above the widget
min = 1,
max = 50,
value = 30
"i_file", # control widget ID
"File Input" # label above the widget
"i_date", # control widget ID
"Date Input" # label above the widget
"i_text", # control widget ID
"Text Input" # label above the widget
"i_select", # control widget ID
"Select Input", # label above the widget
choices = c("A","B","C")
"i_radio", # control widget ID
"Radio Buttons",# label above the widget
choices = c("A","B")
mainPanel("Look at all those inputs!")
# blank server logic - the App does nothing with
# control widget inputs and creates no output!
server <- function(input, output) {}
# run the Shiny app
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Chances are that you won’t use all of the control widget inputs
available in any given Shiny App you build. The choice of inputs you use
will depend on what information you want to present to the user, and how
information they select with those widgets should modify data in the
A ui
with only control widgets (i.e., the App example
above) is like having a keyboard without a monitor. You can change
inputs by typing on the keyboard, but can’t see anything happen without
a monitor! In this analogy, the monitor is a set of outputs.
Your Shiny App users will spend a lot of time interacting with
outputs, and most of our time spent designing and creating a
Shiny App will go into creating outputs. To view default Shiny outputs,
type shiny::output
and see what comes up in tab complete.
For example, plotOutput()
is used to render plots,
is used to render text, and so on.
Each output in the ui
takes as a first argument the
“output id” as a character string, for example,
means a plotOutput()
with an “output id” of "my_plot"
Fix the App
Every output in the ui
should have a corresponding
object rendered in the server
. Thus, if we define a Shiny
App with plotOutput("my_plot")
in the
, we need to assign a rendered plot to the object
in the server. For
practice, fix the following Shiny App. You’ll know you were successful
if you see a plot when running the App.
# user interface
ui <- fluidPage( plotOutput("plot") )
# server logic that draws a plot
server <- function(input, output) {
output$my_plot <- renderPlot({ plot(1:10) })
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
This very boring Shiny App illustrates a very critical concept. It
has no control widget inputs, but it does have a matching output id and
output object in the ui
and server
The answer, therefore, is frustratingly simple:
should be
# user interface
ui <- fluidPage( plotOutput("my_plot") )
# server logic that draws a plot
server <- function(input, output) {
output$my_plot <- renderPlot({ plot(1:10) })
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
(backend)If the ui
control widgets are like the keyboard
receiving inputs, then the server
is the computer brain of
the Shiny App that takes inputs, translates the information from the
inputs (code that does something with the data input), and creates
outputs, and finally sends these back to the ui
where a
user can interact or see the result.
In the ui
we saw that each output ID created by the
had a unique ID name and was wrapped in an “output”
function. For example,
had an object in the server called
that was assigned the result of a
renderPlot({ })
function, and inside that
function was the code for our plot. Each “render
” function
has a corresponding “output
” function (e.g.,
and textOutput()
go together). To
view some of the default “render
” functions, type
and view the options available in the tab
complete popup.
Let’s take what we’ve covered and put it all together to address the
Study introduced above. We will build a simple Shiny App with a
and DT::dataTableOutput()
shows the hydrograph and data for a user-specified monitoring point.
We’ll also include data download buttons within the data table and
demonstrate how to make the plot interactive with {plotly}
# load sac county groundwater data and sac county polygon
gwl <- read_csv("data/gwl/gwl_sac_shiny.csv")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# user interface
ui <- fluidPage(
# change default theme to "united"
theme = shinytheme("united"),
# application title
titlePanel("Sacramento County Groundwater Level Data"),
# sidebar with a dropdown input for site_code
"Select a site code:",
choices = unique(gwl$SITE_CODE))
# tabs with hydrograph and data table
tabPanel("Hydrograph", plotly::plotlyOutput("gwl_plot")),
tabPanel("Data", DT::dataTableOutput("gwl_data"))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# define server logic to plot a hydrograph and create data table
server <- function(input, output) {
# --------------------------------------------------
# create hydrograph
output$gwl_plot <- plotly::renderPlotly({
# draw the ggplot based on the "site_code" user input
p <- filter(gwl, SITE_CODE == input$site_code) %>%
ggplot(aes(MSMT_DATE, WSE)) +
geom_line(alpha = 0.5) +
geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = FALSE) +
labs(title = input$site_code,
x = "", y = "Groundwater level (ft AMSL)")
# render the plotly object
# --------------------------------------------------
# create data table
output$gwl_data <- DT::renderDataTable({
# draw the plot based on the "site_code" user input
filter(gwl, SITE_CODE == input$site_code),
extensions = 'Buttons',
options =
list(dom = 'Bfrtip',
buttons = c('copy', 'csv', 'excel', 'pdf', 'print'))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Let’s break down what we just did.
Before anything else, we loaded the packages we neededui.R
(for the
), server.R
(for the server
and global.R
(loads all App dependencies). When an App
becomes big and complex, splitting it up into smaller parts can make it
easier to develop.
Next, in the ui
, we added a custom theme from the
package to change the default appearance of
our App. We used a selectInput()
control widget with a ID
and choices equal to the unique values of
s in the gwl
dataframe. Then, in the
we added a tabsetPanel()
with two
tabs: one with a
plot, and another with a
Finally, in the server
, we rendered plotly and
dataTable objects and saved them to the output
object under
the output IDs "gwl_plot"
and "gwl_data"
These objects are displayed in the ui
And the resulting Shiny App is:
Up until now, we’ve been using our own computer to run our Shiny App example. How do we share a Shiny App with others?
The fastest and simplest way to share your Shiny app with another
user is to share the app.R
file and data
dependencies. They can open the file and run the app on their computer
as we’ve been doing in this module. However, we may want to share our
app with a wider, non-technical audience over the internet. When we move
a Shiny App from our computer onto a web server so that it can be shared
over the internet, we deploy the app.
There are a range of services that allow us to deploy Shiny Apps that range from simple to complex, and costly to inexpensive.
A relatively painless way to deploy is via, run by RStudio. A free tier is available, and provides a limited number of “live hours” per month for users to interact with your App. Paid tiers afford more “live hours” per month, a faster web server, and features like password protection.
is open source, and in that spirit, the open
source Shiny
Server can be installed on any local or cloud server (e.g., AWS,
Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure). If you don’t have a background in cloud
computing, your System Administrator (Sys Admin) can help you move your
App onto a cloud or company server
Congratulations! You’re now familiar with the basics of
. This module is just the tip of the iceberg. There
are so many ways to extend {shiny}
, and the opportunities
for customization of Shiny Apps are vast. We recommend the following
ways to increase your knowledge in this domain:
Below are a few freely available books, presentations, and locations to find Apps online:
4. Interactive Visualization
6. Iteration
to the backend
. Different widgets allow different types of
information to pass between the ui
and server
Notice that the first argument to each control widget is the unique ID
or name of that widget. IDs must be unique, and are accessed in the
server in a named list called input
. For example, the
has the unique ID
and the user-input value to this widget can be
accessed from within the server with input$i_slider
(for the
), server.R
(for the server
and global.R
(loads all App dependencies). When an App
becomes big and complex, splitting it up into smaller parts can make it
easier to develop.[↩]If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository.
Text and figures are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0. Source code is available at, unless otherwise noted. The figures that have been reused from other sources don't fall under this license and can be recognized by a note in their caption: "Figure from ...".